Branded Content & AFP

As the creator of one of the world’s biggest and most recognizable global television brands (Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?) CPL Productions has unrivaled experience and insight into the power of fostering and nurturing huge and successful brands.

CPL pioneered product placement in the UK with the brand ‘A League of Their Own’ and were one of the first to embrace the evolving opportunities to collaborate with brands within and around our content.

We are a thriving hub of talented commercial and creative brains; a place where collaboration across the disciplines is prized, and the skills of content delivery and content creation are equally valued: somewhere ideas become a commercial reality. With years of brand experience and a rich back catalogue of creative brand partnerships, we are experts in delivering seamless brand editorial integration.

CPL was ahead of the curve on branded products and even before the change in OfCom regulations, we were successfully working with well-known UK brands with on and off-air licensing deals for our major show titles.

We have experience in producing award winning brand solutions, ranging from facilitating licenses for standard brand partnership deals right through to 360 sponsorship’s, brand integration and branded online content. Our most recent partnerships include Right Guard / A League Of Their Own, AGE UK / Old People’s Home for 4 Year Olds at Christmas, Right Guard / A League of Their Own US Road Trip, Xbox/A League Of Their Own and Usain Bolt/VISA/A League Of Their Own. Our branded programming has won three Thinkbox awards for innovation.      We are open to all opportunities to add value for programme sponsors and find creative solutions for other brand partners.

We pride ourselves in our expert ability to create and foster excellent relationships and to navigate the, often complex, deals and communication between brands, key talent, broadcasters, agencies, producers and creatives.